Additional payment method data

Add, obtain, and remove additional payment method specific data and their supported payment methods.

This additional data is only relevant for some payment methods in specific use cases:

  • KLARNA: For more details see Klarna.

Add additional payment method specific data

Adds additional payment method specific data to an Order.

  • Additional data cannot be added after payments are started.
POST /ps/api/public/v1/merchants/{merchant_key}/orders/{order_key}/additional_data


Name Type Description
merchant_key MerchantKey The key of the merchant.
order_key OrderKey The key of the order.


Not applicable.


Field Type M Description
method PaymentMethod M The name of a payment method, e.g. KLARNA.
data String(1, 4000) M The additional data as a JSON-object as string with double quotes escaped.

An example of the encoded data is

 "{ \"field_one\": \"value\", \"field_two\" : { \"sub_field\" : \"subValue\"}"

Supported payment methods



Not response.

HTTP Status

Status Meaning
201 (Created The data is successfully added.
400 (Bad Request) The request was not valid. The JSON-data is incorrect, an invalid payment method given, order key not found or the payment was already done for the order.
401 (Unauthorized) Authorization header missing or invalid.
403 (Forbidden) The merchant account is not allowed to perform this operation.

Add Additional Data example

Command line:

> curl \
    -X POST \
    --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    --header 'Authorization: Basic RG9jZGF0YVBGOkJXazJhZkpV' \ \
    -d '{
          "method": "KLARNA",
          "data": "{\"some_info\": \"Some text information\"}"

< Http 201 Created

Returns additional payment method specific data.

Returns the additional payment method specific data associated with an Order. The result is an array of additional data per payment method for the given Order key.

GET /ps/api/public/v1/merchants/{merchant_key}/orders/{order_key}/additional_data


Name Type Description
merchant_key MerchantKey The key of the merchant.
order_key OrderKey The key of the order.


Not applicable.


Not applicable.


Array of:

Field Type M Description
method PaymentMethod M The name of a payment method, e.g. KLARNA.
data String(1, 4000) M The additional data as a JSON-object as string with double quotes escaped.

HTTP Status

Status Meaning
200 (OK) Success.
400 (Bad Request) In valid request. If the order key not found.
401 (Unauthorized) Authorization header missing or invalid.
403 (Forbidden) The merchant account is not allowed to perform this operation.
404 (not found) The order key not found.

Get Additional Data example

Command line:

> curl \
    -X GET \
    --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    --header 'Authorization: Basic RG9jZGF0YVBGOkJXazJhZkpV' \

< Http 200 Ok
<   '[
            "method": "KLARNA",
            "data": "{\"some_info\": \"Some text information\"}"

Deletes the additional payment method specific data.

Deletes the additional payment method specific data from an Order.

  • Additional data cannot be deleted after payments are started.

The deletion can be done either by specifying payment method or not. If the payment method is not specified then the additional data for all payment methods is deleted from the Order.

DELETE /ps/api/public/v1/merchants/{merchant_key}/orders/{order_key}/additional_data
DELETE /ps/api/public/v1/merchants/{merchant_key}/orders/{order_key}/additional_data/{method}


Name Type Description
merchant_key MerchantKey The key of the merchant.
order_key OrderKey The key of the order.
method PaymentMethod The name of a payment method, e.g. KLARNA. (Optional)


Not applicable.


Not applicable.


Not response.

HTTP Status

Status Meaning
200 (OK) Success.
400 (Bad Request) In valid request, an invalid payment method given, order key not found or the payment was already done for the order.
401 (Unauthorized) Authorization header missing or invalid.
403 (Forbidden) The merchant account is not allowed to perform this operation.

Delete Additional Data for payment method example

Command line:

> curl \
    -X DELETE \
    --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    --header 'Authorization: Basic RG9jZGF0YVBGOkJXazJhZkpV' \

< Http 200 Ok

Delete All Additional Data example

Command line:

> curl \
    -X DELETE \
    --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    --header 'Authorization: Basic RG9jZGF0YVBGOkJXazJhZkpV' \

< Http 200 Ok