
Refund an already processed payment.

Refund an already processed payment

Starts a new Refund for given Order, Payment and a Merchant.

POST /ps/api/public/v1/merchants/{merchant_key}/orders/{order_key}/payments/{payment_id}/refunds


Name Type Description
merchant_key MerchantKey The key of the merchant.
order_key OrderKey The key of the order.
payment_id PaymentIdentifier The payment identifier.


Not applicable.


Field Type M Description
refund_reference String(1, 35) O The refund reference from the merchant.
description String(1, 255) O The description for the refund.
amount Amount O The refund amount in minor units, e.g. in cents.
currency Currency C The refund amount currency.
Must be present if the refund amount is given.
refund_required_date Date O The date the refund must be captured.


Not applicable.

HTTP Status

Status Meaning
201 (Created) The refund is successfully created.
400 (Bad Request) The request was not valid.
Examples: Currency is not provided when amount is provided OR payment is not yet captured, or (partial) refund not allowed on the route.
403 (Forbidden) The merchant key is not allowed.
404 (Not Found) The transaction key or the payment id not found.

Refund payment example

> curl \
    -X POST \
    --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    --header 'Authorization: Basic RG9jZGF0YVBGOkJXazJhZkpV' \ \
    -d '{
        "refund_reference": "refund-1",
        "description"     : "Refund a Payment",
        "amount"          : 1000,
        "currency"        : "EUR",
        "refund_required_date" : "2020-08-31"

< Http 201 Created
> curl \
    -X POST \
    --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    --header 'Authorization: Basic RG9jZGF0YVBGOkJXazJhZkpV' \ \
    -d '{
        "refund_reference": "refund-1",
        "description"     : "Refund a Payment"

< Http 201 Created