Submit your essay on managing multiple supervisory objectives
Submission deadline extended to January 31 |
Many supervisory authorities and central banks objectives have increased over recent years. Managing multiple objectives may divert resources and attention from what should be the primary objectives. Essay requirements: -
The essay should address the following questions, together with any other issues you want to discuss:
- Does your supervisory authority have multiple objectives?
- What are they?
- How do you manage them?
- On what basis are the resources of your supervisory authority allocated across your supervisory objectives?
- The essay must not exceed 3,000 words (not including diagrams, tables of data, footnotes, or bibliography)
Eligibility and submission instructions: -
The essay competition is open to financial sector supervisors and regulators from ODA recipient countries
Email your essay in PDF format to Ms. Demet Çanakçi at [email protected]
- Please include your full name, title, and organization
The winning essay(s) will be published as a Toronto Centre Note. Winner(s) will receive a full scholarship to attend a 2025 virtual Certified Financial Supervisor program. |