Knowledge Center next icon How Do I Use Pinned Messages?
Nov 11, 2022
2 minutes read

How Do I Use Pinned Messages?

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How to use pinned messages

Pinned messages are internal messages which are pinned to a profile. Pinned messages are easily accessible in each conversation you have with the profile (customer) that has pinned messages. You can have multiple pinned messages. The last pinned message will be shown in the customer panel. More information about the customer panel can be found here. You can pin your own internal messages in a conversation but you can also pin internal messages from other users.

You can pin a internal message by using the pushpin icon SchermAafbeelding_2022-11-11_om_15.33.40.png next to the date and time stamp.

The latest pinned message will be displayed in the customer panel.

You can get an overview of all the pinned messages by clicking on the pushpin in the customer panel.

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