Knowledge Center next icon I cannot login to the Agent Inbox / Mobile Service Cloud
Sep 27, 2022
2 minutes read

I cannot login to the Agent Inbox / Mobile Service Cloud


When logging into MSC you get a message you can't log in. The message will look like this:



Mobile Service Cloud


Please check the entered e-mail address and password and try again. If you are still unable to log in, please select: "Forgot your password?".

You will be able to enter the email address you use to log in. You will receive an e-mail to reset your password.


I don't have access to the inbox of the e-mail address I use to log in:

If you do not have access to the inbox of the e-mail address you use to log in, please get in contact with someone within your organization who has access to the settings in MSC. They will be able to change your password.

They will be able to change the password by navigating to the Settings ⇾ Team ⇾ [Your profile]. Here, you will be able to enter a new password. Make sure you save this new password at the top of the page.


My profile has been deleted, can I get it back?

When you can not find the profile you are looking for, it may be deleted. Please contact [email protected]. The support representative will be able to reactivate the account.

If you have access to the command center, go to user management and set the deleted user's account back to its original account type. (Regular/Collaboration). This will automatically restore the account to it's latest state.


The e-mail address used to log in does not have to be a real/live e-mail address. This can be fictional. We do not recommend to use fictional e-mail addresses for log in. You will not be able to receive the mail to reset your password.

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