Oct 19, 2022
1 minute read



You know which inboxes are available in the Mobile Service Cloud and how to use them.

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How to use the different inboxes

In the Mobile Service Cloud you have multiple inboxes that contain conversations. Below you find a summary of the different inboxes.

  • My inbox
  • My snoozed conversations
  • Team inbox
  • Team snoozed conversations
  • Inbox other users
  • Archive
  • Unwanted

My inbox
All the conversations that currently are owned by you or where you're internally a participant.

My snoozed conversations
Snoozed conversation you own.

Team inbox
A complete overview of all current open conversations based on your personal webstore filtering.

Inbox other MSC users
You can view the inbox of each individual Mobile Service user which shows you all the current open conversations of that specific user.

Overview of all the currently archived conversations from all the Mobile Service Cloud users.

Inbox that contains the conversations that are placed in the Unwanted box. Conversations are placed in the unwanted box based on triggers settings in the configuration of the Mobile Service Cloud.

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