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Sep 08, 2022
1 minute read



Below is an overview of the variables that can be used within the templates in Mobile Service Cloud.




Conversation Subject


Adds the given subject in the conversation to the e-mail.

Web store name


Adds the name of the webshop the conversation is send from.

Customer name


Adds the full name of the customer as set in the customer profile. First and last name.

Conversation URL


Adds a URL to the conversation. The chat widget will open on the website.

Conversation answered URL


Customer will receive a URL to rate the conversation if the customer is answered. The chat widget will open on the website.

Conversation not answered URL


Customer will receive a URL to rate the conversation if the customer was not answered. The chat widget will open on the website.

Last message of the customer


Will add the last message of the customer to the conversation

Last message of the user


The e-mail of the users



Not working



The full conversation within MSC will be loaded and send in the email

Conversation Plain


The full conversation will be loaded and send as plain text

Conversation Light Grey


The full conversation will be loaded and send with light grey format

Conversation Mail


The full conversation will be loaded and send with standard mail format

User firstname


The firstname of the MSC user will be added

User lastname


The last name of the MSC user will be added

User name


The first and last name of the MSC user will be added

User Avatar URL


The profile picture URL will be added

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