One Time Password

Beskyt din platform med One Time Passwords

Øg sikkerheden på din platform ved at integrere vores to-faktor godkendelse ved hjælp af One Time Passwords (OTP).

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OTP-løsning med ét klik

Til virksomheder i alle størrelser

Konfigurer din egen OTP

Har du en eksisterende OTP-løsning, og leder du efter pålidelige kanaler til at levere din besked? Med vores Business Messaging API kan du lave en OTP-opsætning fra forskellige kanaler.

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Vores Business Messaging API kan også bruges som en OTP-løsning med fuld service. Vælg de kanaler, du har brug for, og vi håndterer alt fra oprettelse til afsendelse og verificering af OTP.

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Brugt af brand verden over


Fuld fleksibilitet i OTP-levering

Konfigurer din egen OTP-opsætning fuldt ud med vores Business Messaging API, så den matcher dine behov. Fuld frihed i valget af kanaler og beskeder.

Kontakt os i dag


Hvis du vil i gang med det samme, kan du bruge SOLiD, vores full-service OTP-tjeneste. Vi opretter, verificerer og leverer dine OTP-meddelelser og tager os af hele end-to-end-processen.

Kontakt os i dag

Beskyt virksomheder og kunder i forskellige brancher

Financial Industry

Finansielle serviceydelser

One Time Passwords giver et overlegent sikkerhedsniveau og minimerer samtidig besværet for kunder i den finansielle sektor. OTP'er tilbyder en robust autentificeringsmetode, der opfylder kundernes høje forventninger til databeskyttelse.

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Retail and eCommerce

Retail- og eCommerce

Bekæmpelse af e-handelssvindel er afgørende, og OTP er en effektiv løsning til onlinekonti. Ved at integrere denne sikkerhedsforanstaltning får kunderne tillid til beskyttelsen af deres personlige oplysninger.

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Hvorfor vælge som din OTP-udbyder?

Hurtig levering af tidskritiske beskeder er garanteret

Vores platform er forbundet med 2000 operatører verden over

Stol på vores ISO 27001-certificerede redundante platform

Drag fordel af vores in-house support døgnet rundt

Få klar kontrol og indsigt i dine omkostninger og din trafik

One-Time Password Priser

Én global pris pr. valideret OTP

* Eksklusive kanalomkostninger (Conversational Channels og SMS) pr. sendt OTP.

** Påkrævet, hvis brugerdefineret branding er relevant. SMS er ekskluderet fra engangsopsætningsomkostninger og skabelonopdateringer.

Konfigurer din egen OTP OTP-as-a-Service
Konfigurer din egen OTP OTP-as-a-Service


Brugerdefineret branding

SOLiD branding

Price per verified OTP *

Fra DKK 0,3,-

Fra DKK 0,3,-

One-time setup costs per channel **

DKK 1.500,- per kanal


Template update **

DKK 350,- per opdatering


* Eksklusive kanalomkostninger (Conversational Channels og SMS) pr. sendt OTP.

** Påkrævet, hvis brugerdefineret branding er relevant. SMS er ekskluderet fra engangsopsætningsomkostninger og skabelonopdateringer.

Bliv inspireret

SMS Security
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Secure Your Business With SMS OTPs and Alerts

In the current digital era, technological and online advances are rapidly growing, creating new ways for businesses to engage their customers. Unfortunately, where there is growth, there will be criminals trying to steal some of the profits. Protecting business data, customer information, and online accounts is a priority for every modern business. SMS security can help protect your business and your customers from online fraud and cyber crime.

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MFA/2FA vs. SSO: Navigating the Digital Security Landscape

In today's interconnected world, the importance of robust digital security cannot be overstated. As businesses and individuals grapple with increasing cyber threats, the choice of security measures becomes crucial.

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Best Practices for Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)

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Jun 19, 2023 • Authentication

WhatsApp Business One Time Passwords: What They Are and How to Use Them.

Chances are that you've received One Time Passwords (OTPs) before, often via SMS or email. But did you know that there might be an even better platform to send OTPs on? WhatsApp Business Platform allows you to send One Time Passwords on the favorite messaging channel of your customers, enhancing the customer experience and improving customer relations.

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Two Factor Authentication (2FA) on Different Messaging Channels

Two Factor Authentication, or 2FA, is an effective way to protect your data and your customers. But how do you set up Two Factor Authentication? And what messaging channels can be used for 2FA?

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The Benefits of 2FA for Business

Protecting customer data is (or should be) a priority for every modern business. One of the most secure ways to verify customer information is by multi-factor authentication (MFA). In this blog, we’ll discuss the top benefits of MFA (and 2FA) and explain why it’s a must-have for mobile-native businesses.

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Multi-Factor Authentication Use Cases

Multi-factor authentication, or MFA, is one of the most effective ways for businesses to protect their systems and customers’ online accounts from hacking, spamming, data theft, and more. Let’s take a look at some common multi-factor authentication use cases in high-risk industries that could benefit from using MFA in their security protocols.

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