Skab værdifulde samtaler via WhatsApp

Giv altid personlig support, og gør samtaler til omsætning på en af de mest populære beskedtjenester.

whatsapp business conversations


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Brug WhatsApp som marketingkanal og øg konverteringen

Forbedr din digitale strategi, og brug WhatsApp som et marketingværktøj til direkte, personlig kommunikation med dit publikum.

Tilbyd kundeservice på WhatsApp når som helst hvor som helst

Tilføj WhatsApp til dit kontaktcenter, og hjælp dine agenter med nemt at komme i kontakt med kunderne. Håndter flere samtaler ad gangen uden at miste den personlige kundesupport.

Giv den bedste shoppingoplevelse på WhatsApp

Brug WhatsApp Commerce til at tilbyde kunderne den komplette købsrejse i WhatsApp. Giv den komplette shoppingoplevelse i én kanal, og øg omsætningen.

Beskyt dine data med WhatsApp

Brug WhatsApp One Time Passwords (OTP) til at forbedre kundeoplevelsen og øge sikkerheden for dine (og dine kunders) onlinedata.

Gør kundeoplevelsen bedre med WhatsApp Business

Kom i kontakt med dagens kunder

Tilbyd kundeservice i verdensklasse, og minimer friktionen i købs- og kunderejsen på din kundes foretrukne beskedkanal.

Indled flere samtaler med kunderne

Svar på indgående beskeder, eller kom et skridt foran med beskedskabeloner, og giv tilmeldte kunder de oplysninger, de har brug for.

Få gavn af smarte funktioner

Udnyt funktioner som hurtige svar, produktbeskeder og udsendelse af nyhedsbreve til effektiv kommunikation med kunderne.

Automatiser samtaler med en chatbot

Reducer presset på dit kundeserviceteam ved at automatisere gentagne opgaver med en WhatsApp-chatbot.

Få mere at vide om WhatsApp Business Platform

WhatsApp Business Platform Guide

WhatsApp Business Platform Guide

I denne guide finder du alt, hvad der er værd at vide om WhatsApp Business Platform. Du vil lære, hvorfor WhatsApp Business Platform er måden at få din virksomhed til at vokse på ved at levere en enestående kundeoplevelse.

Hvorfor som WhatsApp Business Solution Provider

  1. Hurtig implementering og migrering
  2. Integrer via API eller software
  3. Førsteklasses kundesupport
  4. GDPR-kompatibel og sikret

Ofte stillede spørgsmål om WhatsApp Business

Hvad er WhatsApp Business?

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WhatsApp er den mest populære globale beskedkanal. Med 2 milliarder aktive daglige brugere er det ingen overraskelse, at Facebook (udviklerne bag WhatsApp) udvidede sin platform til at omfatte en forretningsapplikation: WhatsApp Business.

WhatsApp Business er en OTT (over-the-top) chat-app, der bringer funktionaliteten og bekvemmeligheden ved personlige beskeder til kundekommunikation. Mere end 5 millioner erhvervsbrugere udnytter denne populære beskedplatform i dag.

Hvilke WhatsApp Business-funktioner kan virksomheder bruge?

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Funktionerne i WhatsApp Business Platform omfatter: WhatsApp Business-profil, hurtige svar, produktkatalog, udsendelse, indgangspunkter, interaktive knapper, meddelelsesstatistik, kontaktetiketter.

Hvad er priserne for WhatsApp Business?

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Vælg dit messaging-abonnement, og vælg den prismodel, der passer til dine behov:

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Sådan bruger du WhatsApp chatbot

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En WhatsApp-chatbot er en softwareapplikation eller et program, der bruger enten script eller kunstig intelligens til at interagere med brugere via WhatsApp. Som enhver anden chatbot er de designet til at give automatiserede svar, besvare spørgsmål, udføre opgaver og deltage i samtaler med brugere, ligesom et menneske ville gøre.

Sådan bruger du WhatsApp til OTP

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One Time Passwords via WhatsApp er end-to-end-krypterede og sikre, hvilket gør det til en af de sikreste muligheder derude, og de innovative funktioner og den globale rækkevidde giver en fantastisk kundeoplevelse. Den problemfri brug af OTP-beskedskabeloner giver dig mulighed for at indlede kontakt med dine kunder og verificere deres identitet på flere berøringspunkter under deres kunderejse, såsom login, kontoregistrering eller gendannelse af konto.

Hvad er WhatsApp Commerce?

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WhatsApp Commerce giver brands mulighed for at komme i kontakt med brugerne og sælge deres produkter og tjenester direkte til dem. Det sker ved at give virksomheder mulighed for at indgå i tovejskommunikation mellem dem selv og deres kunder som en form for samtalehandel.

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Forskellen mellem WhatsApp on-premise API og cloud API

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Funktionerne i WhatsApp Business Platform er stort set de samme på begge API'er, med små forskelle i hosting, prissætning og brug af funktioner. Hvor Cloud API'ens omkostningseffektivitet og ekstra nye funktioner kan virke perfekt for nogle, kan hosting-tjenesterne i On-Premise API'en være en vigtig motivationsfaktor for andre.

Bliv inspireret

Sep 11, 2024 • WhatsApp

Increase Conversion With Promotional Messages on WhatsApp

In an age of mass marketing, as well as constant TV, internet and email advertising, it’s safe to say that peak sales periods like Black Friday and the Holiday Season can be something of an overwhelming experience for consumers around the world. Feeling overwhelmed by irrelevant information from companies that doesn't match their personal needs and desires, it's no surprise people might want to switch off their phones, radios, and televisions, tuning out all forms of marketing until the sales peak season is over. As an eCommerce player, you should always be looking to avoid this by diversifying and personalizing your marketing strategy in a way that suits your customers needs and sensibilities.

WhatsApp RCS
Jul 22, 2024 • WhatsApp

RCS vs WhatsApp: Which is Best for Your Business?

RCS Business Messaging and WhatsApp Business Messaging are both notable channels for businesses that strive for a personal and conversational approach to customer communication. But what features do both channels have? What sets them apart? And more importantly - which channel is most suitable for your business? Let's find out!

WhatsApp Pay
Jun 05, 2024 • WhatsApp

How to get the WhatsApp Business Green Tick Badge

The WhatsApp Business green tick is the official badge for Meta verified business accounts. It helps users to distinguish between authentic businesses and fake accounts. Many users place high value on the green tick, and brands sporting this badge will see a positive impact on their business. But how can you business apply for the green tick badge? Read all about it below.

Apr 22, 2024 • WhatsApp

Happy Clients, Happy Agents: the Platform Effect in Customer Service

As a member of the customer service team, you stand on the front lines of customer interaction every day. In a world where customers demand quick and personalized service, long wait times, impersonal responses, or worse, incorrect answers, can quickly drive a customer away. Your goal, however, is to connect customers with your organization and deliver the best answers and service possible. It’s incredibly satisfying to see a customer leave a conversation happier and eager to purchase your product. Your efforts can significantly enhance the customer experience, but you need the right tools to truly excel. Integrating these tools into a platform amplifies your capabilities and lets you experience the power of the platform effect.

WhatsApp New Policy
Apr 15, 2024 • WhatsApp

Quality Customer Engagement With WhatsApp Business Platform

We all want to get our brand messages out there. We want to engage with our customers, raise brand awareness, and connect with our target audience. WhatsApp Business Platform helps you safeguard the way you communicate with (potential) customers, making sure that you provide them with a meaningful and relevant customer experience to help grow your business.

Apr 04, 2024 • WhatsApp

10 Ways to Optimize the Customer Experience With WhatsApp Business

WhatsApp is one of the dominating apps in the messaging landscape, securing its position as the top messaging channel. According to Statista, WhatsApp stood out as the messaging app with the most active monthly users in 2022.

Feb 01, 2024 • WhatsApp

Drive Engagement and Convert Your Conversations With WhatsApp Carousel

Are you already talking to your customers on WhatsApp? You really should! WhatsApp Business Platform, the business communication platform of one of the most popular messaging channels in the world today, has a wide selection of powerful engagement tools to enhance customer communication and boost sales. And they've added another innovative feature under their belt: WhatsApp Carousel.

WhatsApp vs Facebook Messenger
Jan 17, 2024 • WhatsApp

WhatsApp vs Facebook Messenger: Which Messaging Channel is Best for What?

WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger are both established messaging channels for customer engagement. But what are the differences? Which advantages does each channel have for what business use case? Let's dive into the details

Ads That Click to WhatsApp
Jan 17, 2024 • WhatsApp

Ads That Click to WhatsApp: What Are They and What Are the Benefits?

Successful marketing means creating personal and conversational experiences for your customers. And what better place to meaningfully connect to your customers than on their favorite social media platforms and channels such as Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp? With ads that click to WhatsApp, aka click-to-chat WhatsApp ads, you can offer your customers the direct and personal engagement that they crave. Read all about it!

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