
Skab de ultimative oplevelser med vores event app

Kommunikér og engager dig i dit digitale publikum, og konverter deres adfærd til værdifuld indsigt gennem vores event app.

industry events hero medium

Interagér med dit publikum gennem en event app

Med en event app kan du og dit team bedre betjene fans, deltagere og sponsorer, som er ansvarlige for jeres indtægtskilder.

Så du skal være klar og opfylde forventningerne fra dine fans, som for det meste er generation Z og millenials, med en event app.

Digital transformation er ikke længere valgfrit

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Din egen førsteklasses event app i butikkerne

En event app er for mange festivalgæster deres hellige kilde til information. Så du må hellere gøre det rigtigt! Hold dem også engageret før og efter din begivenhed ved at tilføje medier året rundt, musik, nyheder og andet værdifuldt indhold.

At se er at tro, ikke sandt?

Download blot nogle af de apps, som vi for nylig har frigivet til vores kunder på vores downloadcenter.

  1. 100% tilpasset til din begivenhed eller festival identitet

  2. Du er i sikkerhed, den er helt GDPR-compliant

  3. Din event app er klar på et par uger - ikke måneder

De vigtigste funktioner omfatter

Besøgende kan nemt finde alle interessante steder (POI) på et Google-kort.

Du kan nemt tilføje dine kunstnere, scener og forestillinger.

Gør rejsen problemfri, og reducer køerne ved indgangen.

I realtid eller planlagt, knyttet til andet indhold, herunder billeder.

Et intelligent feed som den centrale drivkraft for dit engagement.


Et kraftfuldt CMS med indsigtsfulde dashboards

Du har fuld kontrol over din event app med vores praktiske CMS. Med få klik kan du administrere alt dit indhold i din event app, din kommunikation og endda bytte rundt på navigationselementerne. I mellemtiden kan du lære af dine brugeres klikadfærd og engagement ved at tjekke realtidsanalyser og dataindsigt.

  1. Få de besøgendes opmærksomhed ved at sende push-notifikationer

  2. Udvid markedsføringens rækkevidde, og skab særlige salgstriggere

  3. Lær dine besøgende at kende med visualiserede data og analytics

  4. Ingen kodningsevner påkrævet, fuldstændig idiotsikker


En fantastisk måde at forbinde dine sponsorer og partnere på

Gå sammen med sponsorer, og lad din event app blive en indtægtskilde i stedet for en omkostning. Giv dem den dyrebare brand synlighed, og lad din event app understøtte deres brandaktiveringer på stedet og hjælpe dem med at øge deres ROI.

  1. Lad en hovedsponsor blive en del af dit appdesign

  2. Tilføj brandede kort, og kombiner dem med push-notifikationer

  3. Opret en dedikeret sponsorsektion med en liste over partnere 

  4. Brand POI'er med logoer, baggrunde og reklametekst

Se Appmiral i aktion på Pukkelpop

Mød Pukkelpop, en af vores mest loyale og innovative kunder i over 8 år. Find ud af, hvordan deres festival-app hjælper dem med at skabe næste generation af oplevelser for deres deltagere.

Kontakt os!

Sådan kommer vi i gang

  1. Sammen vælger vi den rigtige plan
  2. Vi begynder at bygge din event app
  3. Vi integrerer dit team i vores CMS 
  4. Vi frigiver din event app i app stores
  5. Tid til at lancere din event app

Vores priser

1799 DKK pr. måned
  • Standard event app

  • Programmering og information

  • Engager dig med dine fans

  • Sponsor indlejringer

  • Data og analytics

3699 DKK pr. måned
  • Tilpasset menustruktur

  • Workflow og content automatisering

  • Integreret billet-wallet

  • Avancerede sponsorindlejringer

  • Avanceret data og analytics

  • Interaktivt kort

  • Kontantløs integration

  • Integration af billetter

  • Tilpasning af data (SSO)

  • Oplysninger om placering

Lad os slå os sammen!

Vores fantastiske team er 100 % fokuseret på at hjælpe arrangører af events og festivaler med at få mere succes ved at fremme deres besøgsoplevelse og fan engagement ved siden af at hjælpe dem med deres digitale transformation.

Kontakt os

Musik & Live

Oplev alle mobilløsninger til musik- og livebranchen.

Event billetløsning

Oplev alle fordelene ved vores billetprodukt, og tilpas din butik.


Udforsk alle vores marketingmuligheder for at gøre din begivenhed til en succes.

Bliv inspireret

Sep 21, 2023 • Ticketing

6 Methods to Encourage Your Museum or Park Visitors to Buy Their Ticket Online

In an era where online convenience is becoming the new standard, many visitors still choose to buy their tickets at the entrance. This is unfortunate, given the many advantages of online ticketing for both visitors and the museum or park itself. Think about avoiding lines, generating extra income, and gathering more information. But how can you increase the use of online ticketing? That can still be a challenge, which is why we've compiled six ideas for you.

Jouw festival als eyecatcher
Aug 27, 2023 • Ticketing

Your event as a showstopper: 7 futureproof trends to jump on

In the overcrowded event industry, it's getting tougher to keep your ticket sales going strong. The competition is huge, and everyone's targeting the same audiences. Chances are that a festival with empty lineups and expensive tickets won't survive five years from now. Invest in your brand, innovate, and stand out – that's the only way to build a solid foundation for the future. We've got 7 trends for you to hop onto and make sure you're ready for what's to come.

Jul 26, 2023 • Ticketing

11 Ways to Boost Ticket Sales and Make Your Event a Sell-Out

It's no secret that selling tickets in today's current climate can be quite the rollercoaster ride, especially with inflation confronting event-goers with increased prices all over, making them more selective where they spend their disposable income. They also tend to make last-minute decisions making it harder to forecast event attendance well in advance. Not to mention fierce competition in the market. So, if you’re looking for fresh approaches to secure more sales, look no further. From utilizing new marketing channels to exploring creative and data-driven approaches and leveraging loyal fans and influencers, here are 11 creative ways to boost ticket sales.

Jul 24, 2023 • Ticketing

9 Essential Features for Your Museum or Park’s Online Ticketing Software

Buying a ticket at the entrance of your park or museum remains important, but an online ticketing system is indispensable nowadays. Whether you already sell tickets online or want to start doing so, choosing the right ticketing software can be complicated. Look for a partner that contributes to a smooth visitor experience, helps you work more efficiently, and perhaps even generates additional revenue. To get you started, here are the 9 features that a good online ticketing system for any museum or park should have.

Jul 18, 2023 • Ticketing

Get Started With Online Ticketing: 10 Reasons for Your Museum or Park

Digitization is impacting more and more industries, including the museums & parks industry. Despite this, most tickets are still sold at the box office rather than online. This is unfortunate, as there are numerous benefits to be gained. Not only does it ensure a smooth visitor experience, but it also offers interesting opportunities for your organisation. In this blog, you will discover 10 reasons why you shouldn't fall behind in this digital advancement.

Jun 30, 2023 • Ticketing

Ticketing as First Touchpoint of the Formula 1 Heineken Dutch Grand Prix Fan Experience

Ticketing is the first touch point of the total experience for every event, so also for the Formula 1 Dutch Grand Prix. That's why you want it to run smoothly so that everyone who can get a ticket looks forward to their visit. However, due to the immense popularity of Formula 1, there is a lot of interest in tickets for this event - more than there are actual tickets. Therefore, the Dutch Grand Prix was looking for an innovative ticketing system to help them manage ticket allocation smoothly, and offered the solution.

Jun 06, 2023 • Ticketing

Unleashing the Power of Instagram: Your Ticket to Winning Fans and Boosting Ticket Sales

In today's lightning-fast world, the quest to capture fans' attention and inspire lasting loyalty remains a key challenge for ambitious event organizers. Developing tactics to boost ticket sales and cut through the noise in this increasingly crowded industry can feel like an uphill battle. But what if we told you there's a game-changing secret to success? Prepare to breathe new life into your social media channels as you embark on a journey to connect with your fans like never before. Read on to discover how Instagram Marketing Messages can revolutionize your event strategy and help you get a competitive edge.

May 27, 2023 • Ticketing

10 Reasons Why Event Organizers Should Centralize Data

Many event organizers have gold in their hands, namely data. And they get it completely free from their ticket sales and other interactions with their visitors. The only problem with data is that unless you have an efficient way of handling it, you won't be able to take advantage of the insight it provides. The first step to using it is to recognize the benefits it will bring - so keep reading and find out how data can elevate your event.

May 24, 2023 • Ticketing

4 Benefits of Conversion Tracking for the Event Industry

Once upon a time, if you wanted to advertise an event, you’d probably hit the streets with an eye-catching flyer. Today, digital marketing campaigns are the preferred solution. They let you reach your target audience more efficiently. To make sure you’re getting the most out of these marketing campaigns, conversion tracking is a must. Unfortunately, most promoters stay away from this, because word on the street is that it’s quite complicated. That's a real shame because it offers a lot of benefits. Below, we tell you all about those, how to get started, and how can help.

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