Reliable SMS Messaging for Business Communication

Keep customers engaged and informed with SMS. Reach your target audience worldwide and increase conversion and service.



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An SMS Platform Built for Scale, Speed and Deliverability

Use SMS as a way to increase customer engagement and satisfaction and improve account security with our fast and reliable SMS messaging platform. We deliver messages within seconds around the world through our connectivity platform on our privately owned cloud infrastructure.

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Years of Expertise


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SMS Messages Sent a Year


International Carrier Connections


Use SMS for

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Achieve a 98% Open Rate For Your Marketing Campaigns With SMS. Increase your CTR and ROI with mobile-first SMS marketing.

SMS Marketing

sms orders and updates


Add SMS to your contact center and help your agents to connect with your customers. Send out notifications without losing that personal touch.

SMS Support

sms verification


Use SMS One Time Passwords (OTP) to enhance the customer experience and increase the security of your (and your customers') online data.

SMS Security

sms orders and updates


Timely communication via SMS helps streamline your business flow. Send reminders for appointments, deliveries, late payments, and more.

SMS Reminders

SMS for Developers

communications platform business messaging api

Send SMS Through Our Gateway API

Our SMS Gateway makes it easy to send bulk text messages across the globe.

Connect your website or application to our API for reliable and fast global messaging – and benefit from 60+ direct carrier connections to deliver your SMS.

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How SMS Is Used by Our Partners

The Benefits From Our SMS Platform

  1. Worldwide Delivery Under 10 Seconds
  2. Direct Mobile Operator Connections
  3. Secure and Reliable, 24/7/365 Support
  4. Realtime Analytics and Detailed Insights

Worldwide SMS Pricing

Volume Discount from 50,000 Messages

Pricing based on individual messages for a specific destination.

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Frequently Asked Questions About SMS

What Can SMS Be Used For?

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SMS is useful in a variety of business situations. Anywhere you need to message customers with reliable delivery, and high readability, and where information is time-sensitive, SMS is an option. Examples of SMS use cases:

- SMS as appointment reminder
- SMS as planning tool
- SMS as internal communication and notification tool
- SMS as external marketing channel
- SMS for server notifications
- SMS as login code
- SMS for voting
- SMS for applications and requests
- SMS for calamities
- SMS for donations

What Is an SMS API?

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An SMS API is a type of API that allows your business to integrate SMS (Short Message Service) messaging into your existing software platforms. SMS APIs enable you to send or receive SMS messages quickly and easily through any website or application.

An SMS API makes it possible for your business to operate 24/7, providing customer notifications and information even outside business hours.

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How Much Does It Cost to Send SMS Messages?

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As a long-established technology with settled billing processes, SMS isn’t just effective – it’s cheap. While the cost per SMS varies by country, providers like enjoy global arrangements with network providers in all markets. This enables Worldwide SMS Pricing – one price per country, for all operators, with no extra fees.

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What Is an SMS Service Provider?

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An SMS Service Provider (SSP) is a company or organization that offers SMS (Short Message Service) messaging services to businesses, individuals, and other entities. These providers operate SMS gateways, which are responsible for sending and receiving text messages between mobile devices and various applications. SMS Service Providers play a crucial role in enabling businesses to send bulk SMS messages, notifications, alerts, and other types of information to their customers or target audience.

What Is the Open Rate of SMS?

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The greatest open rates are not always reached through the latest in messaging innovations. Despite all technological possibilities, good old SMS remains the channel with the highest open rates. In 2023, SMS boasts a staggering open rate of 98%. For comparison’s sake, email marketing campaigns receive a 20% open rate.

Latest Articles

Jun 21, 2024 • SMS

17 SMS Customer Service Templates to Use Today

Using SMS customer service templates not only saves time but lets your support team create personalized, on-brand communications with just a few clicks. Today we’ll share business text message templates you can use to give your customers the information they need — fast.

SMS Customer Service
Jun 19, 2024 • SMS

How to Effectively Use SMS for Late Payments

Organizations face a significant challenge in effectively managing overdue payments and cash flow in a positive light with customers. To collect payments while keeping relationships intact and increasing engagement, SMS has emerged as a powerful, efficient and convenient tool for both businesses and customers. In this blog, we’ll explore how to effectively use SMS for late payments, highlighting its benefits and best practices.

SMS Appointment Notifications
Jun 13, 2024 • SMS

Streamline Your Business to Success with SMS Notifications

Appointment no-shows, delivery delays, abandoned online shopping carts, late payments - all of the above can be quite the headache for many businesses. SMS notifications offer a solution.

SMS Security
Jun 13, 2024 • SMS

Secure Your Business With SMS OTPs and Alerts

In the current digital era, technological and online advances are rapidly growing, creating new ways for businesses to engage their customers. Unfortunately, where there is growth, there will be criminals trying to steal some of the profits. Protecting business data, customer information, and online accounts is a priority for every modern business. SMS security can help protect your business and your customers from online fraud and cyber crime.

SMS Customer Service
Jun 13, 2024 • SMS

Optimize the Customer Experience with Valuable Insights and Direct Live Support via SMS

Add SMS to your contact center and help your agents to connect with your customers on the most reliable channel. Tackle more conversations at a time without losing that important personal touch, and gain valuable insights with streamlined SMS feedback surveys to enhance customer satisfaction rates.

Logistics & Transport blog image_sms
Mar 01, 2024 • SMS

How to Improve Your Delivery Service With SMS Notifications

If you're active in today's transport and/or delivery business, you'll face new challenges to keep your customers happy on a daily basis. Customers expect fast and flexible, and sometimes even same-day, delivery. Time is money, costs need to be cut, and regaining control of the delivery process will significantly benefit your business. SMS can make a difference!

Mar 01, 2024 • SMS

SMS for eCommerce - Create a Successful eCommerce Strategy With SMS

Want to grow your business? Then customer contact is key. Now that everybody and everything is connected to each other via those powerful little computers in our hands, the way you communicate with customers is becoming increasingly important for your succes. Read all about how you can use SMS to elevate your customer contact, drive sales and create that loyal customer base.

Mar 01, 2024 • SMS

How Popular Is SMS in 2024 and What Is Its Added Value for Business?

SMS is one of the oldest text messaging services, and the rise of instant messaging apps definitely made a dent in SMS traffic. Contrary to the newer apps with their rich features, SMS is quite basic in its features- plain text messages, not fluff, and a character limit of 160. Regardless, SMS is still one of the most impactful communication channels today. Read all about SMS statistics and its continued value to modern business communication.

The Benefits of A2P Messaging
Feb 25, 2024 • SMS

The Benefits of A2P Messaging for Business

Amid the thicket of technology TLAs with 2 in them (B2B, P2P, 2FA,...) is one of the simplest A2P messaging, or “Application-to-Person”. You may not be familiar with the acronym, but it’s probably touched your life several times in the last week alone. Let’s see why A2P remains relevant as a messaging technology today.

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