WhatsApp Business e altro ancora
Da WhatsApp e Viber a Apple Messages for Business, riunite tutto in un'unica interfaccia o scegliete i canali preferiti dai vostri clienti. Ciò semplifica il servizio tra voi ed il cliente
L'accesso centralizzato a diverse Applicazioni Chat consente il passaggio senza interruzioni tra i vari canali. Cosí si possono continuare conversazioni con più clienti mediante più canali.
Beneficiate di funzionalità integrate come risposte rapide e chat bot. Inserite contenuti multimediali nelle conversazioni ed arricchite la vostra comunicazione.
WhatsApp Business facilita il potenziamento dell'assistenza clienti. Usate WhatsApp per conversare con i clienti sul loro canale di messaggistica preferito superando ogni aspettativa.
Connettete fino a 1,4 miliardi di utenti attivi di dispositivi Apple con iOS 11.3. o superiore e gestite le chat tramite Apple Messages for Business.
Offrite ai vostri clienti mediante Viber l’ampia, istantanea e interattiva esperienza che desiderano.
Create esperienze ricche, interattive e personalizzate proprio all'interno della funzione numero 1 più utilizzata dei telefoni oggi: la casella di posta in arrivo SMS.
Tramite una delle applicazioni più complete disponibili, potete ampliare la vostra portata aumentando il coinvolgimento.
Connettiti con la comunity su lnstagram: inizia conversazioni, aumenta la soddisfazione dei clienti, aumenta le vendite.
Telegram for Business Messaging offre diverse caratteristiche uniche, come un alto livello di sicurezza e flessibilità di condivisione di contenuti arricchiti.
Canale | API Business Messaging | Mobile Service Cloud | Mobile Marketing Cloud |
Canale | API Business Messaging | Mobile Service Cloud | Mobile Marketing Cloud |
WhatsApp Business |
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Apple Messages for Business |
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Viber |
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Facebook Messenger |
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Instagram Messaging |
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Google's Business Messages |
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Telegram |
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Integra la nostra API di messaggistica aziendale e connettiti con i tuoi clienti sui loro canali preferiti. La nostra API combina più canali di comunicazione in un’unica piattaforma. Approfitta delle capacità della messaggistica bidirezionale.
Maggiori informazioniUn’unica soluzione con tutto il necessario per offrire un'esperienza cliente impeccabile, sempre e ovunque. Interagisci con i tuoi clienti attraverso il loro canale preferito tramite una casella di posta omnicanale, o automatizza le conversioni con un chatbot.
Maggiori informazioniMobile Marketing Cloud unifica le fonti di dati esistenti in profili di clienti a 360 gradi. È l'unica soluzione che include tutti i canali di messaggistica mobile per creare esperienze omnicanale personalizzate che aumentano il coinvolgimento dei clienti.
Maggiori informazioniIniziate con le app di chat. Iniziate in piccolo, crescete in grande con la nostra piattaforma adattiva e scalabile in base alle vostre esigenze e quelle dei vostri clienti.
AccessoIn an age of mass marketing, as well as constant TV, internet and email advertising, it’s safe to say that peak sales periods like Black Friday and the Holiday Season can be something of an overwhelming experience for consumers around the world. Feeling overwhelmed by irrelevant information from companies that doesn't match their personal needs and desires, it's no surprise people might want to switch off their phones, radios, and televisions, tuning out all forms of marketing until the sales peak season is over. As an eCommerce player, you should always be looking to avoid this by diversifying and personalizing your marketing strategy in a way that suits your customers needs and sensibilities.
RCS Business Messaging and WhatsApp Business Messaging are both notable channels for businesses that strive for a personal and conversational approach to customer communication. But what features do both channels have? What sets them apart? And more importantly - which channel is most suitable for your business? Let's find out!
The WhatsApp Business green tick is the official badge for Meta verified business accounts. It helps users to distinguish between authentic businesses and fake accounts. Many users place high value on the green tick, and brands sporting this badge will see a positive impact on their business. But how can you business apply for the green tick badge? Read all about it below.
As a member of the customer service team, you stand on the front lines of customer interaction every day. In a world where customers demand quick and personalized service, long wait times, impersonal responses, or worse, incorrect answers, can quickly drive a customer away. Your goal, however, is to connect customers with your organization and deliver the best answers and service possible. It’s incredibly satisfying to see a customer leave a conversation happier and eager to purchase your product. Your efforts can significantly enhance the customer experience, but you need the right tools to truly excel. Integrating these tools into a platform amplifies your capabilities and lets you experience the power of the platform effect.
We all want to get our brand messages out there. We want to engage with our customers, raise brand awareness, and connect with our target audience. WhatsApp Business Platform helps you safeguard the way you communicate with (potential) customers, making sure that you provide them with a meaningful and relevant customer experience to help grow your business.
WhatsApp is one of the dominating apps in the messaging landscape, securing its position as the top messaging channel. According to Statista, WhatsApp stood out as the messaging app with the most active monthly users in 2022.
Are you already talking to your customers on WhatsApp? You really should! WhatsApp Business Platform, the business communication platform of one of the most popular messaging channels in the world today, has a wide selection of powerful engagement tools to enhance customer communication and boost sales. And they've added another innovative feature under their belt: WhatsApp Carousel.
WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger are both established messaging channels for customer engagement. But what are the differences? Which advantages does each channel have for what business use case? Let's dive into the details
Successful marketing means creating personal and conversational experiences for your customers. And what better place to meaningfully connect to your customers than on their favorite social media platforms and channels such as Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp? With ads that click to WhatsApp, aka click-to-chat WhatsApp ads, you can offer your customers the direct and personal engagement that they crave. Read all about it!
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