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Nov 20, 2023
5 minutes read

Leverage Instagram Marketing Messages for retail success

In the dynamic landscape of retail and eCommerce, staying relevant through social commerce has never been more challenging. Social media platforms have emerged as indispensable allies for businesses, reshaping how brands connect with their audience. Among these platforms, Instagram stands tall, boasting a colossal user base of two billion active users globally, 90% of which follow one or more business accounts. Instagram enables them to interact with brands on a more meaningful level.

Social media platforms have become indispensable business tools, especially in the retail and eCommerce industry. According to PayPal's E-Commerce Index, social commerce accounts for 19% of UK business sales and 22% of UK consumers say they would be more likely to purchase something having seen it on social media, reflecting the growing importance of platforms like Instagram for businesses in the region.

With its aesthetics and extensive user base, Instagram has emerged as a powerhouse for marketing and sales. One of the latest features that's making waves is Instagram Marketing Messages. In this article, we will explore how this can benefit the retail and eCommerce sector and how customer engagement solutions like an omnichannel inbox and customer service software are opening the door for fully automated, personalised customer interactions.

The power of Instagram for retail and eCommerce

Instagram, owned by Meta, is a treasure trove for retail and eCommerce businesses, where visuals and aesthetics play a significant role in capturing the attention of potential customers while showing off the best parts of the brand and its products and services.

130 million users tap on shopping posts each month globally.

Typically users spend at least 30 minutes on the app, daily. Instagram offers a range of features, from stories to IGTV and now Instagram Marketing Messages, allowing brands to create a unique and immersive shopping experience for their customers.

Introducing Instagram Marketing Messages

Instagram Marketing Messages for businesses refer to the feature on the platform that enables companies to engage with their audience through direct and personalised messaging. This allows businesses to connect with potential customers, provide 24/7 customer support, share product information, and guide users through the purchasing process within the Instagram app.

Instagram Marketing Messages is a game-changer for businesses looking to connect with their customers. With's customer engagement solutions, brands have direct communication with potential buyers, creating a personalised shopping experience that's more engaging and convenient. But how does this work, and how can it enhance the experience?

Personalised shopping experience

With Instagram Marketing Messages, you can engage with customers on a personal level. When users show interest in your products by liking or commenting on your posts, you can use this as an opportunity to reach out and provide tailored product recommendations. Automate these interactions, making the process efficient and scalable. Send out automated notifications to potential customers when there are sales, deals or new product launches. This encourages a conversion to take place on a platform the customer feels most comfortable on, increasing customer satisfaction. Convenience and customisation are key when considering the benefits of Instagram Marketing Messages.


Real-time customer support

Instagram Marketing Messages seamlessly integrates with automation capabilities such as a messaging chatbot. This enables real-time customer support; when customers have questions or issues, you can provide instant 24/7 assistance, strengthening their trust in your brand, as well as improving the customer experience. Quick and informed, relevant responses are crucial in the competitive retail and eCommerce market.

Instagram_Service Automation

Product discovery

Instagram thrives on the spirit of discovery, and Instagram Marketing Messages elevate this experience. By seamlessly sharing product catalogues, enticing lookbooks, and direct product links, you can effortlessly guide potential customers to your website or eCommerce platform, effectively ushering them towards a conversion. The integration of omnichannel messaging becomes instrumental in simplifying the customer journey, a critical aspect in delivering what customers desire precisely when they desire it. The richness of customer data and insights enhances the messaging offerings, ensuring a more personalised and effective engagement with your audience.

Instagram_Product launches

Sales and conversions

The ultimate objective is to enhance sales performance and encourage more regular conversions. Instagram Marketing Messages provides an effective means to navigate customers through the purchasing journey easily. Utilising state-of-the-art solutions, the automation of order confirmations and delivery updates guarantees a shopping experience characterised by its fluidity, which in turn fosters customer loyalty and repeat business.

Instagram_Assisted Sales
Retail and eCommerce use case for Instagram Marketing Messages

A retail or eCommerce business leverages Instagram Marketing Messages with's marketing automation, customer service software and chatbot integration.

Let's say it's a boutique clothing store that wants to increase its online sales and improve its customer experience. They could create an Instagram Marketing Messages campaign, highlighting its new spring collection.

The store can then automate responses to common customer inquiries, interests in products and general FAQs, and track and manage customer interactions from the omnichannel inbox, providing a consistent customer experience.

The Results:

  • Customers receive personalised product recommendations through Instagram Marketing Messages.

  • Customer service solutions address inquiries and questions promptly.

  • The store's Instagram followers can easily access the online store through product links or the product catalogue.

  • Automated messages provide order confirmations, such as shipping updates and delivery notifications, improving customer satisfaction.

In conclusion, Instagram Marketing Messages can be a game-changer when used alongside customer engagement software. By personalising interactions, offering real-time support, and designing the entire customer journey end-to-end to suit your customers’ needs; businesses can enhance their Instagram marketing strategies and increase overall conversion rates. If you're in the retail and eCommerce sector, it's time to tap into the power of Instagram Marketing Messages and leverage our solutions for a competitive edge in the social commerce marketplace.

Do you think your business strategy could benefit from Instagram Marketing Messaging solutions?

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