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May 24, 2021
4 minutes read

Custom is the new standard in ticketing

Event organisers often have a high workload. Customising your ticket shop with your own design and flow sounds like a time-consuming and complex process, so sometimes organisers don't even start. The good news: this is now a thing of the past. Since the update to's ticket shop it is very easy to build your own (custom) ticket shop, without any coding skills, at no (yes, you read that right) extra cost. Custom is the new standard! In this blog we will share the 2 most important updates.

Esmee Spaan
Esmee Spaan,
Product Marketer Ticketing

Update 1: Adding visuals

The ticket shop is the first touch point after your promotion. To make sure it contributes to the event experience, you want to emphasise your own branding and design. Before it was already possible to choose your own colours, header images and texts. But from now on you can really bring your ticket shop to life by adding images to each ticket and additional product.

How does this work exactly? It's very easy to add images per ticket or extra product, nevertheless we have created a FAQ page to help you. For a small sneek peak we’ve added an example below.

ticketing tokens uk

Example: In the new ticket shop it is possible to add visuals per ticket or extra product

What are the benefits?

  • Ensure consistent branding: branding is an important tool to distinguish your event from others, because it represents what your event stands for and ensures that you appeal to the right audience. However, to grow in the minds of your visitors it is important to be consistent in your branding. By adding images per ticket you can make sure your branding is consistent and contributes to the recognition of your event.

  • Improve visitors' ticketing experience: to get in the mood for the event, the visitor wants to be visually stimulated. A boring, standard design of the ticket shop does not make a visitor excited. By using images, colours and your own branding you can make an immediate impression on your visitors and ensure a positive ticketing experience.

  • Increase conversion / sales: images often speak louder than words. By using images, products stand out more and you appeal to visitors more. For example, imagine the word "Camping Ticket" compared to an image where you get a feel for the atmosphere of the campsite. Visitors will be more inclined to add this product to their shopping cart which ultimately ensures more conversion and therefore higher sales.

Update 2: Adding additional steps

But there's more! To take the ticketing experience to the highest level, we've also made improvements to the flow. Since the update you are now able to create a step in the flow for each product group separately. For example, a page for Merchandise, Food & Beverage or other extra’s (coins / parking spaces). This provides more structure to the flow and offers more cross-sell opportunities. Both beneficial for the visitor and for you as an organiser.

ticketing ticketshop uk

Example: In the new ticket shop it is possible to add extra steps instead of one list with all products

What are the benefits?

  • User-friendly visitor experience: previously all products were displayed on one page which could cause a visitor to miss an important product, such as a parking ticket. By adding extra steps, we hand hold the visitor through the ticket flow. Each step represents a different product group so the visitor keeps an overview of all the products the event offers and can add the relevant products to his or her shopping cart.

  • Higher conversion / turnover: by offering extra products in a structured flow you unconsciously entice the visitor to make extra purchases. This is because the visitor is required to walk through the steps and sees products that they did not expect to need. Think for example of merchandise from his or her favorite artist. At the event itself, they might walk past the merchandise shop. This leads to higher conversion and ultimately to more sales.

  • Avoid queues: the starting point of the ticket flow is of course an event ticket, nevertheless a visitor might also be looking for additional products such as parking tickets or tokens. By already providing it in the online flow, he or she does not have to queue up at the event itself and can immediately start enjoying the event experience. It also reduces the workload for the staff at the event and creates an efficient flow of visitors. to the rescue

We made sure that building a custom ticket shop is easy, but would you like some help from our experienced ticketing team? That's no problem at all. We would love to help you figure out how your ticket shop can be set up and how the flow can be organised most efficiently. Contact us for a suitable solution.

Are you interested in the customisation possibilities? Get in touch with us!

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Esmee Spaan
Esmee Spaan,
Product Marketer Ticketing

Focuses on understanding the needs and behavior of target groups and trends within the market to ensure that our story and solutions are optimally aligned.

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