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Sep 17, 2020
4 minutes read

7 tips to choose the right CPaaS provider

At the heart of any CPaaS provider, you’ll find one common theme – APIs. This means businesses don’t need to invest in costly hardware that lacks scalability. With the help of APIs, companies can configure and add their own real-time communication solutions on a single platform, without building any complex backend infrastructure. In this article were going to have a look at how to choose the right CPaaS vendor and what are some key characteristics that define a good CPaaS provider. We've bundled them into 7 practical tips, so they're ready to use.

1) Seamless integration across the board

Leading CPaaS solutions come equipped with APIs and SDKs. This offers developers to integrate their systems easily with the cloud-based platform and quickly deploy their finished enterprise-grade products. When businesses integrate communication tools into their own applications, it empowers them to offer global omnichannel support. This allows their customers to communicate through any preferred channel for support and thereby giving a whole new meaning to customer experience.

2) Reachability

When brands partner with a mature CPaaS vendor, they can benefit from immediate access to hundreds of carriers across the globe. Furthermore, it helps enterprises increase their local and global reach without having to engage with a single telecommunications carrier. At alone we have direct connections to 1000+ carriers globally. What’s more, our latest local networks in Africa and Asia is live since 2019. This means faster messaging, more safety and compliance to local legislation.

3) Be where your customers are

CPaaS vendors provide access to all next-gen communication channels and their existing business applications within minutes. Individual SaaS (Software as a Service) vendors however, do not always keep pace with customers demand for the ever-changing mobile communication trends. These vendors are chosen for their expertise in marketing, contact center or CRM. With CPaaS, there is no need for complex implementation projects based on individual SaaS vendors, and draining the enterprise IT resources. Integrating CPaaS technology into your existing IT infrastructure guarantees a future proof solution for customer communication via preferred channels. Enterprises have no stress to identify the popular channel of next year, they simply have access to all channels through the CPaaS provider.

4) Real-Time reporting & analytics

A mature CPaaS platform offers real-time analytics and reporting tools, giving you a transparent view of your SMS delivery status and call usage data. At we offer all this information in one place through a user-friendly dashboard. You can view real-time data, simultaneously analyse historical reports, and user forecasting to make data-driven decisions.

5) Multiple programming language

Nowadays, CPaaS platforms support a multitude of programming languages. As a result, developers can start building enterprise communications systems with the code they already know – some of these include C#/.NET, PHP and Java. Developers can enjoy the ease of customizing how you would like to engage with your customers, without writing a single line of code.

6) Flexible payment models

CPaaS offers a more affordable pricing models, where you pay only for the services you need and use, such as SMS, WhatsApp Business or Voice. There is no need to invest in big expenses to build up your communications infrastructure. It's a plug-and-play offer.

CPaaS also delivers the same customer benefits as other SaaS offerings, with technical support being provided in the shape of online tutorials, guides and forums, for example, or by live agent support. At our Network Operations Center offers 24/7 support.

7) Enterprise ready scalability & reliability

Cloud-based communications solutions are highly secure, scalable, and agile. You can also scale up or down depending on present demands and only pay for what you use. 

Initially, CPaaS vendors found traction with digital natives. Their shared DNA for innovation helped them growing their business. However, in a similar way as enterprises qualified CRM or Contact Center vendors, they will seek full vendor qualification for a future CPaaS vendor. This will create a division between the Tier 1 vendors who significantly prepared their platform to meet the enterprise required performance and other vendors. The enterprise ready CPaaS vendors can be identified as follows:

  • Direct operator connections 
  • ISO certified 
  • Private and Public Cloud infrastructure offering
  • Channel offering SMS, Voice and OTT (minimally)
  • Enterprise security connections (VPN, 2WAY SSL, etc)
  • Experienced working in regulated industries (Telco, Payments, Identity, etc)
  • Enterprise sales, Implementation, Services and SLA

In the digital age, CPaaS will be the underlying force that will help drive businesses forward.

So, in conclusion - a mature CPaaS model offers a flexible solution that gives greater scalability while reducing time to implementation, meaning a faster route to enhanced customer experience.

Want to choose the right CPaaS provider?

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