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Feb 09, 2023
7 minutes read

Let’s talk about the benefits of integrating a chatbot with your existing tech stack

At, we've noticed that more and more people are showing an interest in employing our chatbot as a virtual communication channel to help them streamline their eCommerce practices and improve the overall experience that they offer to their customers. However, we’ve also noticed that one or two of our clients are unsure about whether they should replace their current systems in order to do so.

Brechtje van Houtum
Brechtje van Houtum,
Content Marketer

While customers can, of course, choose to adopt a number of our solutions as part of a full package, we feel it's our duty to point out that this isn't strictly necessary; as our chatbots can be seamlessly integrated with a company's existing tools. Users should think of it as a sort of add-on that allows you to improve your online business practices without the need for any kind of major restructuring, extra training, or additional post-integration costs.

Let's have a quick look at just some of the areas where chatbots can be easily integrated in order to provide a wide range of benefits to you and your eCommerce business.

Allow customers to get in touch with you straight away

Integrating a chatbot into any channel, be it your company’s website or your WhatsApp Business Platform, means that customers can immediately get in touch with you as they browse through your products and services. The chatbot guides consumers through the buying process, helping them with their product search from the moment they arrive until it's time to go to the checkout.

Research has shown that 68% of adults are more likely to buy from a business that they can message directly, so providing your customers with a quick, automated, and efficient way to navigate their way through your website has enormous potential when it comes to driving sales. chatbots can be integrated into as many channels as you like in order to streamline and improve interaction with customers.

Chatbot integrations: chat widget on your website, WhatsApp chatbot, Facebook chatbot, and more.

Engage platform ecommerce add ons with chatbot integrations

Integrate chatbots into your eCommerce platforms to bring the right products to the right people chatbots can be integrated with eCommerce platforms such as Magento or Shopify, and CRM software such as Salesforce, to make sure that conversations are personalised for new and returning customers. By connecting data, growing brands can personalise conversations to fit the buying patterns of each individual consumer and bring their favourite products directly to them; offering discounts and suggested items to those that have made purchases in the past.

Another benefit of chatbots is that they can work with information in real-time like stock levels, meaning that customers are always given accurate information about the availability of products and services. Helping customers with the most up-to-date information makes them feel well looked after and is far more likely to boost a company's sales than traditional communication channels.

With’s Conversational AI Cloud, integrations are no code or low code. With standardised integrations ready to go, any configuration is possible. It’s truly a plug-and-play set-up.

Chatbot integrations: Magento 2, Shopify, WooCommerce, Shopware, BigCommerce, Salesforce, Microsoft Dynamics, and more.

Engage platform ecommerce add on integrations

Continuously improve service by integrating conversational AI and customer service software

Integrating your conversational AI platform with contact centre software allows you to bring your customer and agent data together. This data can be used to improve your company's customer service operation and boost customer satisfaction across the board. So, how does it work?

We’ll give you an example: let’s say you’re currently using Zendesk. Now imagine connecting a chatbot to Zendesk. This enables you to offer 24/7 support, where the bot takes care of a share of the conversations. Your agents still work in the systems they’re familiar with. No need for training.

Meanwhile, the chatbot helps your customers where possible. If human support is needed, the chatbot will seamlessly hand over the conversation to Zendesk. To do so, it makes use of both agent and customer data to put users in contact with the agent that's best equipped to solve your customer’s problems.

Connecting these platforms will get you a whole new pool of data. This allows you (both the human agents and the bot) to give personalised and accurate responses to customers' inquiries. Your chatbot collects real-world data based on customer interactions, and agents can use this data to improve and optimise the answers that the bot gives. On top of this, the team can use these insights to help customers better via their software (such as Zendesk). When evaluating conversations, your agents will gain a better understanding of what consumers are looking for.

All in all, this simple yet highly effective integration provides customers with the timely and comprehensive support that they need, while also allowing you to streamline and improve the interactions between you and the people that make your business tick.

Chatbot integrations: Mobile Service Cloud, Zendesk, Gorgias, Intercom, and more.

Engage platform ecommerce add on ai chatbot

Order management systems to keep your customers in the loop

Connecting a bot to your company’s OMS system means that it automatically knows the status of products that have been sent out, thereby allowing them to share such information with customers upon request. Consumers will be able to find out the exact location of their order and will be kept up to speed regarding any delays or complications that may have occurred during the shipping process.

A Where Is My Order (WISMO) chatbot can be easily placed on a company's support page or WhatsApp Business platform to provide customers with quick and informative updates about the status of their orders. Given that "Where is my order?" is one of the most frequently asked questions in eCommerce, a system of automated responses takes a huge amount of strain off of your customer service operations while leaving consumers satisfied with the clear and timely responses that they receive.

See how DHL's chatbot Tracy provides customer-specific answers.

Chatbot integrations: Magento, Shopify, WooCommerce and more.

Engage platform ecommerce add on integrations whatsapp

Make the most out of your dashboards to gain key insights into customer behaviour and preferences

Chatbots can tell you all sorts of things about your customers. Imagine having access to real-time insights on customer behaviour and preferences that can be used to optimise your business strategy. Conversational AI Cloud provides just that, with a set of over 20 dashboards that offer a treasure trove of useful information on customer interactions. With these dashboards, you can easily monitor metrics such as messages sent and received, recognition rates, and customer questions.

But that's not all, you can also integrate this information with existing data visualisation tools like Power BI and Tableau to gain even deeper insights. Create a single source of truth about your customers by pooling data from multiple sources. Use these insights into customers’ preferences and behaviour to adjust your strategies.

With Conversational AI Cloud, you can make data-driven decisions based on out-of-the-box dashboards, or end-to-end integrated dashboards. This will help you understand your customers better and ultimately boost your business.

See how the data-driven chatbot approach leads to results for Missguided

Chatbot integrations: PowerBI, Tableau, Klipfolio, and more.

Engage platform ecommerce add on dashboard

Can the chatbot be integrated into future systems?

Customers are sometimes unsure about the adaptability of a chatbot when it comes to future integrations. In other words:

"If we choose to adopt new eCommerce systems in the future, will we be able to integrate the bot as well?"

The answer is an emphatic YES! Any online business looking to migrate its website or eCommerce platform can also migrate the chatbot simultaneously at absolutely no additional cost or effort from their side. The conversational flow remains the same; only the configuration of the integrations requires a minor change.

Build a compatible chatbot to suit your eCommerce needs

At, all of our bots are compatible with the infrastructure and systems that you’re currently using and can be easily integrated with little or no code. You can design your ideal chatbot to suit your eCommerce needs, and combine it with your data to make it even smarter and more effective with the passing of time. All of this guarantees that you’ll be getting the most out of your online communication channel; driving sales and improving customer satisfaction across the board.

If you're looking to find out more about how chatbots can help streamline your eCommerce operations, you can get in touch with one of our experts.

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Brechtje van Houtum
Brechtje van Houtum,
Content Marketer
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Whether it’s developing content strategies or creating social media content, Brechtje is eager to contribute. She spreads’s message far and wide, stays on top of cutting-edge tech developments, and champions a 'customer first' philosophy.

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