Knowledge Center next icon Carousel Support
Nov 30, 2023
2 minutes read

Carousel Support

How do you configure a carousel for Web Conversations V2?

  1. Go to your answer in Conversational AI Cloud's CMS and click on the insert image button:
    1. Fill in the image URL and add a title and description.
    2. In the 'Quick Replies' section, you have the option to include a label (the text visible to the end-user) along with the corresponding value that should be transmitted to the Conversational AI Cloud engine.
  2. Once you've incorporated several images (at least two to create a carousel display), your editable screen should resemble the following:
  3. Click 'Update,' and as outlined earlier in the changes, multiple images/cards will transition into a carousel view:
  4. Click save/publish and test in Web Conversations:


Good to Know

  • Two or more images in the CMS will be displayed as a carousel in Web Conversations.
  • Images accompanied by text in the CMS will not appear as a carousel in Web Conversations; instead, they will be presented as individual images.
  • When creating a card, the 'value' attribute can be utilized to establish recognition.

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