Knowledge Center next icon What to see in the Campaign statistics & common issues
Nov 08, 2022
5 minutes read

What to see in the Campaign statistics & common issues


The goal of this article is to help you understand the statistics page of a Campaign and what common errors mean.

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What to see in the statistics of a sent campaign

When clicking on a sent campaign in the Campaigns app the statistics overview page opens. It will show the same page for every channel the campaign was on (e.g. SMS, WA or Push), but details can differ per channel.

Message details

In the left upper corner you can find the most important message details of your sent campaign:


Recipients: The amount of people your message has been sent to. And the amount of messages this resulted in. (if you have sent a multi-part message, or used merge tags, you will see more messages sent to less recipients.

Campaign Price: The estimated price of the campaign based on the messages sent out. This is still an estimation, because the actual invoiced price wil be determined based on your SMS price on the moment of invoicing.

Delivered: The percentage of the messages delivered to the phone of the recipients and the actual amount of recipients with a delivered message.

Read: When the campaign has been sent via a channel which support Read statistics it will show here the amount of messages with a read status.

Links clicked: When you've added a short link ( to your campaign, it wil show here the amount of recipients who have clicked on that short link.

Opt-outs: The percentage and amount of people who have opted-out for your campaign when opt-out tag added (

List of Recipients

Will show a link to the adresslist in the addresbook where the campaign went to.

When the campaign is a triggered campaign, it will show no address list is available, because campaign is triggered via an automated workflow in the Customer Data platform.

Recipient Funnel

The recipient funnel will show the highlights of why certain people didn't receive the message. And what the difference is between selected contacts and actual recipients.

Common reasons are:

  • Excluded because invalid phone number or duplicate number in list
  • Excluded by earlier optout (via opt-out tag



This part shows a visualisation of the messages statusses: Scheduled, Dispatched, Accepted and delivered.

The statusses mean:




The operator confirmed the message has been delivered.


The message was received by the operator, but not (yet) confirmed that it has been delivered.


CM has offered the message to the operator, but it has not been confirmed that the operator has received it.


The operator has refused the message because of an invalid error. Examples are: insufficient credit, suspected phishing or local compliancy regulations forbid sending.


The operator could not deliver the message.


If you click on the link "view in messagelog" the message log app wil open. Clicking on the "Open the default view in new tab" on the following page will show the deepdive of this graph with all individual messages to analyse.

Statistics per country

The statistics per country view will show an overview of all countries of the recipients, amount of messages, succesfull deliveries and failed deliveries.


Failure details per country

When messages are not delivered to the enduser this view will show per country the different error details, which gives you hints to how to improve your lists.


5 tips to prevent the common issues

1. Don’t send SMS Campaigns without consent

Make sure that everyone you send an SMS campaign has given their consent. This can be included in your Terms & Conditions. However, we recommend offering a registration option when finishing an order or fulfilling a form for example.

2. Make sure a recipient can opt-out from your messages

This is something that is generally known but often not properly observed. Some countries have stricter regulations than others and there are even operators who have created their own rules and standards.

3. Send campaigns with your own name / sender ID

It’s possible to send campaigns with your own name, but not in every country. First of all, it is important to know that the sender ID has to be between 3 and 14 digits or 3 and 11 characters. In some countries there are other rules, find out more in: Is it possible to set my own sender name.

4. An SMS can contain a maximum of 160 characters

If your SMS contains more than 160 characters an extra SMS will be added to deliver the full message. This means that sending your message will be 2 times more expensive. So be sure to make good use of the maximum number of characters.

5. SMS pricing

Each country has its own SMS prices. For example, in the Netherlands you pay € 0.0832 and in Spain € 0.0666 per SMS. In addition, you have to keep in mind that you’re paying per SMS sent, not per SMS delivered. We will send every SMS that you submit with us, even if this is to an unreachable number. That’s why it’s very important to create a valid list of contacts. Find an extensive price list here:


Below you find a video on Campaign Statistics in the Mobile Marketing Cloud.

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