Knowledge Center next icon How to create an A/B testing Email Campaign?
Nov 30, 2022
3 minutes read

How to create an A/B testing Email Campaign?


When you sent out an email campaign, you want to do anything possible to achieve your goal of the campaign. In some cases you want to create different email campaigns to measure which one helps best to achieve your goals. Therefore the email campaigns has the A/B test feature which gives you the opportunity to sent out different emails to a test group and after a certain time the rest of the audience gets the best performing mail! In this article a short and brief description and the to follow steps are explained.


  • Mobile Marketing Cloud


To start a A/B test campaign, you have to start a new newsletter campaign and select the A/B test type.

AB test.png

Next you’ll get in the A/B testing menu. In this menu you can do the following.


1. You can name the Campaign.

2. Add the address list to who you want to send your campaign. The list should consist of at least 20 people. With less it doesn't make sense to do an A/B test.

3. It is possible to schedule the campaign, the date and time can be set in the input box on the right.

4. Add tags.

5. In the Variations menu you can add, edit and delete variations. To add a variation you can click on the + in the right down corner of a Variation tile. If a variation tile is colored as tile A, it is an active variation, if it is transparent it is not active yet. You can select variations A until F, if you add a variation, you can select to create a new test variation or to duplicate the already existing variations and edit them. When you add or edit a variation, you’ll come in the normal campaign editor menu.

6. In the A/B testing menu, you can select the various way to determine the winner of the test variations. Click rate that is the percentage of people that clicked on the mail. Open rate that is the percentage of how many people did open the mail. Click through rate that is the percentage of people that clicked on your links in the campaign.

7. In the test group percentage slider, you can select how many people you want to sent out the test variation to. The others get the mail after the period you select by the Determine winner after slider.

In this case 10% of the people in the address list get the different variations, after 4 hours the winning variation that has the highest Click rate will be sent to the other 90% of the people in the address list.

8. With this switch you can set Google Analytics tracking on or off.

If everything is filled in, you can send or schedule the A/B-testing. In the meantime you can save the campaign as draft.

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