Knowledge Center next icon Guide to Metadata (Additions)
Apr 06, 2023
2 minutes read

Guide to Metadata (Additions)

MetaData (Additions) toggle

This guide will help you set up metadata so you can add features to your answers that will provide additional functionality to your content.

How to Create Metadata

  1. Go to the Configuration screen and open Metadata
  2. Select Metadata and click the add icon 🕀 .
  3. The name must begin with a lowercase letter and contain no special characters
  4. Select the type of metadata you want to create
  5. Once you've added the values, click Save


Your new metadata is ready to be used on articles, events and dialogs. However, to make them work in the front end, your Developer will need to apply some logic.

How to Add Metadata to an Answer

  1. Click the Context variables / Metadata button next to the Output
  2. Select the Metadata tab
  3. Select which metadata you want to apply to your answer. If necessary, add any information to the metadata (such as a URL for a page push) that is needed.
  4. Drag and drop the metadata to the answer
  5. Scroll to the top of the editor and click "Save"

metadata answer.gif

💡It is also possible to add multiple metadata to an answer.

How to Remove Metadata

To remove metadata from your article, dialog or event answer, click on the Context Variables / Metadata button to the right of the Output and click the "-" next to the metadata


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