Knowledge Center next icon Navigate to and through the Campaigns app
Oct 28, 2022
2 minutes read

Navigate to and through the Campaigns app


Navigating to and through the Campaigns app within the platform.

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Navigation to the Campaigns app

For a visual representation please see the screenshot below.

Step 1
Within the platform click on the menu button (nine dots) in the upper right corner. The app menu will now open below this button.

Step 2
Click on the Campaigns app within this menu. You have now navigated to the Campaigns app.


Menu Items in the Campaigns app

From top to bottom you have the following menu items on the left side navigation:

  1. All - Campaigns will standard open this tab. this overview will show all campaigns scheduled, sent and triggered.

  2. Draft - This tab will show all campaigns which are still in draft

  3. Scheduled - This tab will show all campaigns scheduled to be sent in the future

  4. Sent - This tab will show all regular campaigns which are already sent out. (so no triggered campaigns here)

  5. Archived - This tab will show all archived campaigns. You can archive campaigns from the all, draft, sent and triggered tab

  6. Triggered - This tab will show all campaigns created for triggering from a workflow created in the Customer Data Platform.

  7. Templates - This tab will show all campaigns created as a template. When clicking on the blue plus sign, to create a new campaign, you can select these templates to start from.

  8. Ideas - This tab will guide you to the external website where you can post ideas for improvement of the Campaigns app

  9. Settings - This tab gives you the opportunity to add preferred senders, ignore unicode, set opt-out settings and enable access to beta features.

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