Knowledge Center next icon Extract part of the entry step input
Apr 21, 2023
1 minute read

Extract part of the entry step input

Sometimes you may want to extract a specific part of user input. Especially when using WhatsApp click to chat links with pre-filled messages this can be very beneficial.

Imagine having a customer who is interested in a specific item from a company's inventory but still has questions concerning the item. Knowing exactly what item they are talking about the moment the conversations starts will help with a speedy resolution.

config:  conversationOwner: null  conversationOwners:    - identifier: conversationOwner      channel: WhatsApp  scriptLanguageVersion: 1  scriptVersion: 1  defaultDelay: 200  lists:    positive-answers:      items:        - Ja    negative-answers:      source: negative-answers.ymlflows:  - id: main    description: Entry flow for the bot    steps:      - !entry         id: Entry-1        actions: []        clientActions: []        matches: []        regexMatches:          - I am interested in your inventory item number (?<numberInput>\d+)        allowRestart: true        isCaseSensitive: true        doCatchAll: false      - !text         id: Text-1        actions: []        clientActions: []        message: The inventory item you are interested in is {numberInput}.

The entry step documentation within Steps contains all relevant background information.

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