Knowledge Center next icon Why is my message failed with an Expired status
Aug 22, 2023
1 minute read

Why is my message failed with an Expired status

Validity periode

If the Validity parameter for a message is not set CM with add the default period of 24h. To set the Validity periode you can follow the steps on our developer doc. The maximum of 48h is supported.

In what situations can we not receive the final status within 24h

This can happen due multiple reasons. Below the most common reason.

  • Phone related reasons e.g.:
    • Switched off;
    • Network related issues;
    • Flight mode;
    • Phone is not returning a correct acknowledgement.
  • Operator network issues
    • Signaling issues;
    • Technical operational issues on the Operator side

Solution for the Phone related reasons:

Most of the time a simpel restart of the phone will work.

  • Additional option is to remove the sim from the phone and place it in a different phone. This is to confirm if the issue is not phone related.

Why is the message not delivered on a later periode?

The operator will try to deliver the message until the phone becomes active again or until the validity periode is exceeded.

If the Validity periode is not set in the request the default of 24h will be used.

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