Feb 27, 2024
1 minute read

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Where can I order a payment terminal?

You can order your new payment terminal via your reselling cash register partner. If you are looking for a new payment terminal without a cash register (standalone), or with our own CM cash register, you can contact our Salesdesk department for more information at [email protected].

I have ordered a payment terminal. How long does it take to receive it?

CM.com depends on your acquirer/bank. When the acquirer contract is ready, CM.com can prepare the payment terminal and send it to you or your reselling partner within five working days.

Can the payments made on the terminal be deposited on my private bank account?

No, the settlement of payments related to your payment terminal can only be deposited to a business bank account.

Can a CM payment terminal connect to a cash register?

Yes! With CM.com, a connection can be made with many checkout party/ cash register partners. Have you already opted for a checkout party/ cash register? Feel free to call and see if CM.com can make the connections. Did you know, we have our own CM Cash register system as well?

Can I temporarily rent a payment terminal?

Yes, CM.com can facilitate that.

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