Apr 24, 2024
2 minutes read



How many knowledge pieces does GenAI use per question?

Currently the Engine uses the the top 3 chunks from your organization's knowledge. It prioritizes them based on a number of factors, such as textual similarity and similarity rank, through various search models. For more information, see this page.

Is there a way to prioritize certain knowledge sources rather than others?

There is no way to prioritize one source over the other. What you can do is limit the amount of unnecessary content in your environment. For more information, see this page.

Can knowledge sources contain tables?

Yes. See this page for more information.

Can knowledge sources contain images?

Images are currently not supported. See this page for more information.

Can knowledge sources contain (bullet) lists?

Yes. See this page for more information.

Can a knowledge source consist of multiple languages?

Yes, but it is not recommended. See this page for more information.

How long can a synchronisation take?

The crawler can crawl up to 48 hours in one go. If the crawler synchronisation isn't done within 48 hours, please review your added web pages (especially domains that use a wildcard). See this page for more information.


How can I set the right tone of voice?

You can find the do's & don'ts for setting the tone of voice on this page.

Test Centre

How many words should a question consist of?

The first question in a conversation must be at least 3 words long. For subsequent questions in the same session, this requirement no longer applies, as we assume that the conversation history helps provide context for shorter questions. This constraint exists because longer questions usually offer more detail, making it easier for the GenAI engine to provide accurate answers.

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