Knowledge Center next icon Date/time based continuation
Apr 21, 2023
1 minute read

Date/time based continuation

Sometimes it is desired to steer the conversation in a different direction based the current date and/or time.

In below example we look at the current day as well as hour to determine whether the message came in during working hours. An example where this can be used is when wanting to handover to an agent. If the message came in outside of working hours you can let them know when contact ís possible, otherwise do the handover.

config:  conversationOwner: null  conversationOwners:    - identifier: conversationOwner      channel: WhatsApp  scriptLanguageVersion: 1  scriptVersion: 1  defaultDelay: 200  lists:    positive-answers:      items:        - Ja    negative-answers:      source: negative-answers.ymlflows:  - id: main    description: Entry flow for the bot    steps:      - !entry         id: Entry-1        actions: []        clientActions: []        matches:          - opening        allowRestart: true        isCaseSensitive: true        doCatchAll: true      - !var         id: Save current time and day        actions: []        clientActions: []        set:          hour: $GetNow("Europe/Amsterdam", "HH")          dayOfWeek: $GetNow("Europe/Amsterdam", "dddd")      - !logic         id: 'Business hours: yes or no'        actions: []        clientActions: []        entries:          - condition: !and               conditions:                - !regex                   var: hour                  tests:                    - ^(0[8-9]|1[0-6])$                  isCaseSensitive: false                - !regex                   var: dayOfWeek                  tests:                    - (Monday|Tuesday|Wednesday|Thursday|Friday)                  isCaseSensitive: false            position:              cursor: inside business hours.Text-1          - condition: !default {}            position:              cursor: outside business hours.Text-1  - id: inside business hours    description: ''    steps:      - !text         id: Text-1        actions: []        clientActions: []        message: You have messaged us within our business hours.  - id: outside business hours    description: ''    steps:      - !text         id: Text-1        actions: []        clientActions: []        message: You have messaged us outside of our business hours.

In here we use the $GetNow system functions as described in Variables.

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