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Jul 14, 2021
3 minutes read

WhatsApp Business: More Types of Proactive Messages Now Available

WhatsApp allows more types of proactive messages to its services and that’s awesome news for your business! It means that you will be able to serve your customers more information they choose to receive.

As you may (or may not) know, WhatsApp Business API allows you to communicate directly with your customers, either through session messages initiated by your customers or templated messages initiated by you after an opt-in.

Now, businesses can use the WhatsApp Business API to share additional information. This means that you’ll be able to employ these new perks:

  • Send products recommendations to your customers, related to their previous purchases
  • Send helpful informational alerts
  • Send relevant offers to your customers
  • Send reminders to book appointments to your customers

Sounds great, right? So what do you need to do to get started?

Well, if you’re already using WhatsApp Business API then you need to do almost nothing. Just use the platform to request templated messages that contain additional types of information. Keep in mind that the following three attributes are still applicable to ensure a high-quality customer experience:

  • Expected: Your customers have already opted in to receive this information from you over WhatsApp so they are not surprised when you message them
  • Relevant: The messages are personalised to the specific customer (Ex: based on recent purchases or recent engagement with your business, personalised content in the message itself), concise, contain the necessary information, and clearly outline any next steps for your customer
  • Timely: Your customers receive these messages when they are relevant

Opt-ins (in advance) are still required before sending these notifications and of course, you should also adhere to the WhatsApp Business API Commerce and Business Policies. The Business Policy outlines the following requirements:

  • Businesses must clearly state that a person is opting in to receive messages from the business over WhatsApp
  • Businesses must clearly state the business’ name that a person is opting in to receive messages from
  • Businesses must comply with applicable law

And remember: your customers will always be in control on WhatsApp. Make sure that the opt-in clearly states what messages you will be sending to your customers (ex: order updates, back-in-stock alerts, product recommendations, etc.) and what value these messages have for them.

For practical examples on how to collect op-ins, read our blog All You Need to Know About WhatsApp Business Opt-Ins

Another thing to keep in mind is ensuring that your opt-in and opt-out flows are clear and intuitive for your customers. You don't want to be that business that gets blocked by their customers for sending unsolicited spam messages with no clear unsubscribe option; it’s 2021 and that’s not how we do business anymore.

Now let’s get to the exciting part - the benefits of these new types of messages. What can they do for your business?


  • Proactive outreach for top-ups before minutes, message or Internet bundles run out
  • Reminders about plan renewals before expiration

Financial Services

  • Product recommendations based on recent activity or purchases
  • Signing up for a line of credit or instalment plan
  • Pre-approval for a new kind of loan or credit card
  • Credit card discounts
  • New partnerships offers


  • Product back-in-stock reminders
  • Product recommendations based on recent purchases
  • Cart abandonment reminders for products not yet purchased
  • Relevant offers and deals
  • Relevant new products introductions


  • Price alerts for flights the customer is tracking
  • Custom deals based on travel preferences
  • Cart abandonment reminders for flights not yet purchased
  • Product upsell offers in context (e.g. car booking)

Interested in these new WhatsApp Business API features or WhatsApp Business API in general? Check out our WhatsApp Business guide for more info.

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Brian Fieret
Digital Marketer at Responsible for developing and executing the digital marketing strategy of CPaaS and Payments.

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