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Automate Conversations with a Chatbot

Enable customers to self-serve and reduce live contacts with scripted chatbots, AI chatbots, and voicebots.


Chatbot Benefits for Your Business

Offer 24/7 Customer Service

Enable customers to self-serve and find valuable answers, at any time, on any channel and any device.

Reduce Live Contacts

Remove the pressure on your customer service agents, enabling them to focus on more complex tasks.

Understand Your Customers

Collect customer feedback via a chatbot and use our insight dashboards to continuously improve service.



Support Your Customer Service Agents with a Chatbot

Chatbots can automatically respond to customer queries quickly and efficiently at any time. This means your customer service agents have more time to deal with complex issues, and customers can receive instant answers, even out of office hours.

  1. Provide 24/7 customer service

  2. Resolve problems quickly and efficiently

  3. Boost team productivity


Automate Your Sales Processes with a Chatbot

Chatbots can start conversations with new customers, engage existing ones, and identify potential leads. This means your business can diversify its acquisition and lead generation strategy and improve sales efficiency without increasing headcount.

  1. Build pipeline and increase sales

  2. Cross-sell to existing customers

  3. Reduce acquisition cost


How to Make a Chatbot Successful


Make sure your chatbot can help your customers in a personal way, even if that means handing over to a live agent.


Use your chatbots to help customers with transactions, whether a purchase, information or status update.


Make your chatbot available across any channel, including your website, WhatsApp, Google's Business Messages and more.


Ensure your chatbot can chat naturally, understand what customers want and offer the needed options.

Chatbots on Every Conversational Channel

Research report speed read the story here

WhatsApp Chatbot

WhatsApp’s success comes from its simplicity. We explore some of the specific benefits an AI chatbot brings to the WhatsApp channel – and why you should be using one.

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Research report personalization read the story here

Instagram Chatbot

Our chatbot can work for you on Instagram and connect to millions of potential customers. Discover all the benefits of adding to the most visual social channel of all.

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Research report speed read the story here

Facebook Chatbot

There are many reasons to make a chatbot available through Facebook Messenger. Learn more about the potential of a Facebook Chatbot for engaging with leads and customers.

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Research report speed read the story here

Omnichannel Chatbot

With an omnichannel chatbot, your customers can reach you via any channel. This means reduced waiting times and vital information on their favorite channel.

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A Chatbot for Every Industry

Questions About Chatbots? We Have Answers!

What is an AI chatbot?

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A chatbot is software that interacts with a human through written language. Chatbots are often found on websites or messaging channels such as WhatsApp, automating conversations and connecting customers with companies 24/7. Chatbots can answer customer inquiries without human agents, thus providing affordable effortless customer service.

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What’s the difference between scripted and AI chatbots?

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A scripted chatbot follows a script. If a human asks a question, the bot tracks the script of predefined answers to give the correct answer. An AI chatbot uses Conversational AI and Natural Language Processing (NLP) to provide the best possible solution. AI chatbots are more intelligent and can handle more complex conversations.

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What is a voicebot?

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A voicebot, also known as Conversational IVR, is software that uses AI, Natural Language Understanding (NLU) and speech-to-text (STT) alongside text-to-speech (TTS), to understand the intent and meaning of a human and respond in human language. Voicebots are often found via customer service numbers, allowing callers to engage with a self-service solution with their voice rather than speaking with a human agent.

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What's the difference between live chat and chatbots?

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Live chat involves a live conversation between a company’s employee and a customer or lead. Chatbots refer to automated conversations with a customer or prospect and software. Chatbots can answer a range of predefined questions, such as 'What are your opening hours?' More sophisticated AI chatbots can help customers with subscription renewals, changing an address, or ordering food.

How to integrate chatbots?

open vertical icon’s chatbots are compatible with the infrastructure and systems that your business currently uses and can be easily integrated with little or no code. In addition, integrate your data to make it even smarter and more effective with the passing of time. With standardised integrations ready to go, any configuration is possible. It’s truly a plug-and-play set-up.

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Chatbots on Every Conversational Channel

With a chatbot, your customers can reach you via any channel, including your website, WhatsApp, or Facebook. This means chatbots reduce customer waiting times and provide them with vital information on their favourite, day-to-day messaging channels.

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